Oplatki Christmas Wafer
Oplatki is a Catholic Christmas tradition celebrated in Poland, Lithuania, Moravia, and Slovakia and has spread to other parts of the world. The custom is traditionally observed on December 24. The unleavened wafers are baked from pure wheat flour and water, are usually rectangular in shape and very thin; they are similar to but not the same as altar bread (hosts). The Opłatki wafers are embossed with Christmas-related religious images, varying from the nativity scene, especially Virgin Mary with baby Jesus, to the Star of Bethlehem. Before partaking of the Christmas Eve meal, the family gathers around the table. The eldest member holds a large wafer and breaks off a piece to begin the ritual. The remaining wafer is passed on to another member while a prayer for loved ones is said. This continues until everyone at the table has a piece of the wafer. Finally, each family member gives wishes to every other family member, consuming a piece of wafer broken off of the wafer piece of the person to whom they were giving their wishes. For your convenience and to help bring the Church to your home, we will have Advent Candles available in the Parish Hall Lobby this weekend (November 23/24) and next weekend (November 30/December 1) after all Masses. Suggested donation is $5.