December 25, 2022
Dear Sisters and Brothers:
One of the most favorite of all Christmas Carols is Joy to the World. It reminds us that we have joy because Jesus has come. He is with us. Jesus is our Joy. It is my heartfelt hope and loving prayer that the celebration of our Saviors birth brings you true and lasting joy this Christmas and that it will repeat and resound through the New Year to come. The lyrics of that familiar carol invite us to make room in our heart to receive our King. This Christmas, let us open our hearts wide to receive His joy. Even amid the challenges and struggles of this world, His joy can be ours and it can change our lives.
Thank you for the joy you share with our parish by your goodness, faithfulness, and generosity. I am humbled and blessed to be your pastor and deeply grateful for the joy you bring to me. Be assured of my prayers for you and for those whom you love. Please pray for me.
A special message to our guests and visitors: Good Shepherd Parish is grateful you have come to our church for Christmas. Maybe you are a Catholic who has not been to Mass for a long time. Maybe you are new to the area and need to find a parish. Maybe in your search for God, you are looking for a Church that you can call home. Whatever your story, we are happy that you are here! Jesus Christ and His Church love you! You are an important and much-loved member of the Body of Christ. We are all on a journey and have different stories of faith to share. Whatever our history, nothing can ever separate us from the love and compassion of Christ! So don’t be afraid to explore the possibility of living life as a member of God’s family, the Church. Stop by, call, or email us to find out how. Please be in touch! We look forward to seeing you again!
A million thanks to all who helped decorate our church and parish campus for Christmas. Many hands and many hearts, along with selfless creativity and good old fashioned hard work, created a beautiful environment for us the celebrate the Savior’s birth. Beauty is one of the ways we come to know God. Our decorating team has certainly proved that this Christmas.
A Merry, blessed, and joy-filled Christmas to everyone! May you and yours share and know the holy and love-filled joy the Christ Child brings.
Love, grace, peace, and joy to you!
Father Neil Sullivan