If you would like to sponsor candles or flowers to celebrate a special occasion or on behalf of a family member, a friend, or a deceased loved one, please submit a Candle/Flower Request to us.

We will contact you to schedule a date and time.

Candles (all candles burn for 7 consecutive days)

  • Church Tabernacle Candle, $10
  • Chapel Tabernacle Candle, $10
  • Blessed Virgin Mary Shrine Candles, $5/each (7 candles at the shrine)
  • Saint Joseph Shrine Candles, $5/each (7 candles at the shrine)


  • Altar Flowers, $125
  • Sanctuary Flowers, $150
  • Blessed Virgin Mary Shrine, $50
  • Saint Joseph Shrine, $50
  • Chapel Altar, $50
  • Chapel Red Rose for Life, $15