Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council is the main leadership advisory group of the parish. It supports continual parish renewal and outreach, discovers and listens to the needs of the parish, and provides counsel and advice to the Pastor. Regular attendance at monthly Council meetings, being a participating member of the Parish and a collaborative outlook are the main job requirements. Elections are held in November.
Finance Council
The Finance Council assists the Pastor in the administration of temporal goods of the parish, including finances and parish property. This consultative group supports the mission of the parish by assuring that we are good stewards of our time, talent and treasure, putting them in service to the work of the Church.
Parish Vocation Committee
The Parish Vocation Committee’s goals are to pray for vocations, to arrange programs and presentations on vocation awareness and to encourage parents, teachers and friends to seek out and support those who might be contemplating a religious calling. The Committee also prays for, assists and encourages those who have already answered God’s call to a religious vocation.
Welcoming Committee
Shortly after new parishioners register, they will receive a phone call from the Committee to welcome them to the parish and periodic receptions for new parishioners will be held. There is always a need for more Welcoming Committee members.
- Contact: Parish Office, (717) 761 -1167
Council Of Catholic Women
The Council promotes growth in spirituality, service, and fellowship and reflects the goals of the National Council of Catholic Women. All parish women are warmly welcomed to attend any of the meetings held once a month in the Parish Hall. The Council assists other parish organizations in joint projects and schedules special activities of interest for their members throughout the year. The meetings are announced in the parish bulletin.
Respect-Life Committee
The purpose of the Respect-Life Committee is to foster respect for all life from conception to natural death. Our aim is to make the Good Shepherd family more aware of this vital concern. A series of publicized events throughout the year are available to parishioners.