August 25, 2024

According to a recent study,  51% of unchurched Americans say the most effective way to get them to visit church would be through a personal invitation from someone they know. Other methods were not as effective. Knocking on someone’s door, a postcard, a social media post are only 20% effective. Nothing replaces the personal invite! We are all called to invite others to come and experience Jesus. The church calls that being a Missionary Disciple. It is a responsibility and opportunity for each one of us! And it doesn’t have to be complicated, high pressure, or a theological treatise you give them. Here are some basic suggestions on how to keep it simple and easy. 

  1. Be prayerful. Before you invite your friend or family member, spend time in prayer for that person and her or his family. Reflect upon how much this person means to you and ask God to give you the right words and the right time to extend the invitation.
  2. Be natural. You don’t have to schedule a formal meeting for this conversation. Keep it authentic and casual. If you see this person often, go on daily walks together, meet for coffee every week, etc., look for a window in the conversation to bring up the subject.
  3. Be compassionate. Share with this person how much their presence in your life is a gift to you. If you know the reason they’re not practicing, acknowledge that reason. Keep in mind that many people who don’t have a church do not consider themselves to be without faith.
  4. Be honest. Rather than listing all of the reasons why this person should consider the Catholic Church, talk about how much you get out of the Catholic Church. Talk about how important your faith and Jesus are to you. You could say something like: “My faith has held me together during the most important and difficult times of my life.”
  5. Be specific. Invite your friend to come to Mass with you and your family. Let them know when and where. Include an opportunity to socialize afterward and offer a ride if necessary.
  6. Be respectful. If the person is not interested, or shuts down the conversation, don’t take it personally. Maybe he or she is not ready. If that happens, keep the door open by saying something like, “Thank you for talking with me about this. If you ever want to talk more, I’m here.”
  7. Give them a path. Our parish’s information and learning sessions for those interested in the Catholic Church begin on Saturday, September 14, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Share this bulletin with them. There are also special flyers at the back of the church you could give them. Maybe even offer to come to that first session with them.

It’s not complicated or high pressure. It’s simply letting them know the door is open. Then let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

Grace and peace!
 Father Neil Sullivan