January 26, 2025
Dear Parish Family:
We reached the last week of the first month of 2025! And what a month it was. The cold and snow have certainly reminded us that we can’t control the weather. As in all things, we leave it in God’s hands.
Some parishioners and I were talking last weekend about the “good old days” when you waited by the radio to find out if your school was closed because of the snow. Technology and our becoming “experts” with zoom have led to Virtual Learning Days. Wouldn’t an old fashioned Snow Day be fun every now and then?
Just like the weather can change schedules, things in life can change schedules as well. Father Dominic’s move to Lancaster will cause a change in the Daily Mass Schedule here at Good Shepherd. We are delighted (and I am personally blessed) to have Father Quinlan in residence here at Good Shepherd. Father Quinlan’s first and primary ministry is as the Vicar General of the Diocese of Harrisburg. His principle full-time work is at the Diocesan Office in service to Bishop Senior, the diocesan staff, and really the entire diocese. He does an amazing job! As resident here at Good Shepherd, Father is able to help with a Sunday Mass and to help cover some Masses when I am away. That is a real gift for we which are deeply grateful.
That said, effective February 1, 2025, we will return to the Daily Mass Schedule that we used when only one priest is assigned to the parish. Therefore, the Wednesday 8:30 a.m. Mass and the Saturday 8:30 a.m. Mass will be suspended as well as the 8:10 a.m. rosary on these days. Sunday 8:45 a.m. confessions will also be suspended. The rest of the Mass and Confession Schedule remains the same. This allows for Wednesday to be a regularly scheduled day off for me. Saturday is Father Quinlan’s regularly scheduled day off. We can often have weddings and funerals on Saturday in addition to the Saturday evening Mass. Church law limits the number of Masses a priest can say in one day and so this keeps us within the law.
I appreciate your understanding. The Daily Mass Schedule will be reconsidered when a Parochial Vicar is assigned to Good Shepherd.
Grace and peace!
Father Neil Sullivan