November 5, 2023
Dear Parish Family,
November is a special month in the life of the Church. We remember our beloved dead in a very deliberate and particular way. We began the month with All Saints Day and All Souls Day where we celebrated those already admitted to heaven and prayed for those awaiting heaven in purgatory.
We know that the ties of love, family, and friendship do not unravel with death, but they continue. My father and mother do not cease to be my father and mother because they have died. It is the same with all of our loved ones. We are still connected to each other in the Body of Christ. I share with you a text that has always brought me great comfort. It is called the Tree of Life.
With their last breath
those we love do not say goodbye,
for love is timeless.
Instead, they leave us a solemn promise
that they are finally at rest in God,
they will continue to be present to us
whenever they are called upon.
Let us fear not, nor grieve beyond letting go
the departure of those we have greatly loved,
for in the Tree of Life their roots and ours
are forever intertwined.
As we remember our beloved dead, may God’s loving presence in friends and family bring all of us comfort and bless us with cherished memories.
At 4:00 p.m. today (Sunday) we will hold our annual Vespers of Remembrance as we pray for those who have died this past year. Special candles will be lit for our deceased and the names of parishioners who died this last year will be read. Please join us for this very moving time of prayer.
Be sure to visit our Parish Necrology which is now permanently displayed in the Memorial Hall that connects the main narthex and the parish hall lobby. It lists the names of all those who have been buried from Good Shepherd Parish since our founding through October 2023. In the Memorial Hallway is a special candle rack. These candles are available to remember a loved one for one year (12 months). The person’s name for whom each candle is burning will be placed on the candle. The donation is $350 for the year and can be made over 10 months. Please contact the parish office for details.
Grace and peace,
Father Neil Sullivan