Heart Of Mary
Every second Thursday, Beginning August 22, 2024, 2:00p.m. – 3:00 p.m., All Purpose Room
Prayer has power! Our Marian group meets twice each month to ask Mary’s intercession for our fellow parishioners. Active members travel throughout the parish in pairs to perform various corporal works of mercy and conduct home visits. They also prepare gifts for newly baptized children — Miraculous Medal, Rosary, and book. Men and women are welcome to join.
Contact: Maureen, adamsmaureen882@gmail.com.
Prayers – Bulletin request
This ministry serves people who are in need of prayers—whether it is a serious illness, a child with a problem, job crisis, etc. Contact the Parish Office if you have a friend or family member in special need of prayer to add them to our Bulletin Prayer List. Names added to the Bulletin Prayer List are removed from the list after three weeks of publication. At the end of that time, you can request that they be added again.
Contact: Receptionist, 717-980-3612

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Every other Thursday, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., All Purpose Room
If you knit or crochet (or would like to learn), please join us. If you have any homemade knitted articles (hats, scarves, blankets) or yarn to donate, please call Joyce, 908-309-8547. Prayer Shawls provide comfort to those suffering an illness, or death of a loved one. We provide shawls to our RCIA candidates and baby blankets to the newly baptized.
If you know of someone who needs a Prayer Shawl, please contact the Parish Office, 717-761-1167.