The Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) works with children in public schools from all grades and those in Catholic school who are preparing for the reception of the Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist and Confirmation. Children in the sacramental programs participate in a two year preparation process. Parents attend meetings during sacramental years to learn how to supplement the formal curriculum.

Please contact Student Ministry Assistant, Mrs. Kimberly Scanish, 717.761.1167, x3617,, with any questions.
Parents and Teachers
Parents must recognize, first and foremost, that the success of their children’s religious education depends mainly on them. Take an interest in what your children are learning, and pray together as a family. A parish religious education program or parochial school program can affirm and support, but can NEVER replace, religious education in the home. The more effort parent and children combined put into the program, the more benefits they will receive from it.
Children learn to know and love their religious heritage through participating with their parents and other significant adults. Parents catechize their children by their example and by participating in parish programs which serve their children. The purpose of our Parish Religious Education Program is to impart the Christian message and to guide and assist parents within the Catholic tradition.