Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
RICA is a process through which unbaptized persons who have the desire to become members of the Catholic Church, along with persons baptized in other Christian traditions, who wish to embrace the Catholic faith, enter a faith journey which will lead to their reception as full members of the Catholic Community at the Easter Vigil. The Catholic Church connects us to God and each other, as members of the one Body of Christ. We trace our roots as a family of faith back to St. Peter and the Apostles. All our sacraments bring us great comfort and joy, and in a special way, the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. We rejoice in our connections with the saints who have gone before us, and the saints-in-training who sit beside us.
- If you or someone you know wishes to join the Catholic Church or simply desires to learn more about the Church, please contact Nora Valovage, nvalovage@thegoodshep.org.
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