2025 Diocesan Annual Campaign

What exactly does the DAC fund?

The DAC funds services provided by the Diocese of Harrisburg across Central Pennsylvania, including:

· Meals and beds in homeless shelters

· Ministry to those in Prison

· Counseling Services

· Marriage Preparation for Engaged Couples

· Marriage Enrichment and Retreats

· Family-Based Mental Health Services

· Ministry to Divorced and Separated Catholics

· Programs for Persons with Special Needs

· Support to Expecting Moms and Families

· Foster Care Training and Adoption Services

· Catholic Cemeteries

· The Catholic Witness and Social Media

· Campus Ministry at colleges within our diocese

· Men’s and Women’s Conferences

· Vocation promotion and recruitment

· Seminarian Formation

· Formation/Continuing Formation of Priests and Deacons

· Youth Protection and Safe Environment

· Liturgical Minister Training

The DAC pays for resources having a direct impact on Good Shepherd Parish ministries and programing, including:

· Resources for our Parish Religious Education Program

· Adult Faith Formation and OCIA

· Youth and Young Adult Ministries

· Workshops/training for Father Sullivan and the parish staff

· Permanent Diaconate Formation Program in which our parishioner Mike Nowakowski participates   

· Training of Ministers of Holy Communion

· Medical Ethics consulting for end-of-life issues

· Diocesan Tribunal in applying Church law and marriage 

The DAC pays for services Good Shepherd would have to contract independently:

· Technology and Computer Services

· Employee Benefits, Health Care Plan, Payroll Processing

· Discounted purchasing power and bill-paying

· Access to Legal Counsel

· Safety and Security Inspections

· Property and Liability Insurance

Contributing to the DAC allows us to share in the care of the larger church, provide services to others, and receive direct services to our parish.