Sister Donna Marie Kemberling, SCC
Pastoral Associate • Pastoral Care
717.761.1167 x3610
Sister Donna Marie was born and raised in Harrisburg, PA. She entered the community of the Sisters of Christian Charity after high school. She received a Master’s degree in science from Villanova University and in Counseling from Shippensburg University. She worked in six catholic high schools in Pennsylvania as a science teacher and school counselor for 36 years. Before coming to Good Shepherd parish, she was involved for 13 years in the formation program of her community, helping to prepare young women to make their vows for the first time.
Areas of Ministry: Bereavement, Parish Intercessors, Eucharistic Ministers, especially for the sick and homebound, adult faith formation programs, Spiritual direction, and OCIA.
Favorite Saint: St. Therese of the Child Jesus. I have felt strongly attracted to her spirituality from youth. And our Foundress, Mother Pauline von Mallinckrodt.
What I like best about Good Shepherd: The people of the parish! I love getting to know them and sharing faith with them!
Grant, O Jesus, that your image be formed in me, that I live only from you and in you and through you—you the vine and I the branch. Help me that all my views and opinions so resemble yours that others, as it were, see Christ in me. ~MPvM
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